Hicham Elmongui, Ph.D. |
Publications: (DBLP)
"Framework for Testing Query Transformation Rules",
with (Vivek Narasayya and Ravishanker Ramamurthy), USPTO Patent #: 8,630,998, 2014.
"Transparent Lazy Maintenance of Indexes and Materialized Views",
with (Per-Åke Larson and Jingren Zhou), USPTO Patent application #: 20090064160, 2007.
"Streamlined MapReduce: Massively Parallel Processing of Data Streams", Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-3-8465-0927-2, 2011.
"Rank Aggregation and Context Awareness: A Database Expert View", VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, ISBN-13: 978-3-6392-8095-1, 2010.
Theses & Dissertations:
"Rank Aggregation Techniques for Context-aware Database Management Systems",
Ph.D. Dissertation, Purdue University, ISBN-13: 978-1-2437-3464-8, 2009.
"A New Fault Tolerant Multicast Protocoal for Hierarchical Mobile IP Networks with Regional Registration", Masters Thesis, Alexandria University, 2001.
Journals Articles:
Sally Hamouda, Stephen H. Edwards, Hicham G. Elmongui, Jeremy V. Ernst, and Clifford A. Shaffer,
"BTRecurTutor: A Tutorial for Practicing Recursion in Binary Trees",
in Computer Science Education, (accepted), Jan 2020.

Sally Hamouda, Stephen H. Edwards, Hicham G. Elmongui, Jeremy V. Ernst, and Clifford A. Shaffer,
"RecurTutor: An Interactive Tutorial for Learning Recursion",
in ACM Transactions on Computing Education, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 1:1-1:24, Jan 2019.
Mohamed Gad, Mai Elshehaly, Denis Gračanin, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"A Tracking Analyst for Large 3D Spatiotemporal Data from Multiple Sources
(Case Study: Tracking Volcanic Eruptions in the Atmosphere)",
in Computers and Geosciences, Vol. 111, pp. 283-293, Feb 2018.
Sally Hamouda, Stephen H. Edwards, Hicham G. Elmongui, Jeremy V. Ernst, and Clifford A. Shaffer,
"A Basic Recursion Concept Inventory",
Computer Science Education, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 121-148, Dec 2017. (DOI)
Rana Elgendy, Amr Morad, Hicham G. Elmongui, Ayman Khalafallah, and Mohamed S. Abougabal,
"Role-Task Conditional-Purpose Policy Model for Privacy Preserving Data Publishing",
in Alexandria Engineering Journal, Vol. 56, No. 4, pp. 459-468, Dec 2017.
Shaymaa Khater, Denis Gračanin, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Personalized Recommendation for Online Social Networks Information:
Personal Preferences and Location-Based Community Trends,
in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 104-120, Sep, 2017.
Mona I. Mourad, Mohamed Eid, Hicham G. Elmongui, Mohamed M. Talaat, and Mirhan K. Eldeeb,
"Templates for speech-evoked auditory brainstem response performance in cochlear implantees",
in Advanced Arab Academy of Audio-Vestibulogy Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 25–34, Jul 2016.
Amr Magdy, Mashaal Musleh, Kareem Tarek, Louai Alarabi, Saif Al-Harthi, Hicham G. Elmongui,
Thanaa M. Ghanem, Sohaib Ghani, and Mohamed F. Mokbel,
"Taqreer: A System for
Spatio-temporal Analysis on Microblogs",
in IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 2, Jun 2015.
Mai Elshehaly, Denis Gračanin, Mohamed Gad, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Krešimir Matković,
Fusion and Tracking For Multi-Modal Spatial Data Visualization",
in Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis'15), Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 251-260, Jun 2015.
Andrea L. Kavanaugh, Steven D. Sheetz, Riham Hassan, Seungwon Yang, Hicham G. Elmongui,
Edward A. Fox, Mohamed Magdy, and Donald Shoemaker,
"Between a Rock and a Cell Phone:
Communication and Information Technology Use during the 2011 Uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt",
in International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), Vol 5, Issue 1, pp 1-21. 2013.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Mohamed F. Mokbel, and Walid G. Aref,
"Continuous Aggregate Nearest Neighbor Queries",
in Geoinformatica, Vol 17, Issue 1, pp 63-95. Jan 2013.
Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Query optimization for spatio-temporal data stream management systems",
in SIGSPATIAL Special, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 21-26, Mar. 2009.
Ihab F. Ilyas, Walid G. Aref, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Hicham G. Elmongui, Rahul Shah, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter,
"Adaptive Rank-aware Query Optimization in Relational Databases",
in ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS), Vol.
31, No. 4, pp 1257-1304, Dec. 2006.
Conference Papers:
Syed Fahad Sultan, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Sohaib Ahmad Khan,
"You Shall Know a Place by the Conversations it Seeds",
in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM’17),
Sydney, Australia, Jul 2017.
Denis Gračanin, Mohamed Handosa, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"A Service Infrastructure for Human-Centered IoT-Based Smart Built Environments",
in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions (DAPI’17),
Vancouver, BC, Canada, Springer LNCS 10291, Jul 2017.
Denis Gračanin, Mohamed Handosa, Hicham G. Elmongui and Krešimir Matković,
"An Approach to User Interactions with IoT-enabled Spaces",
in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Telecommunications (ConTEL’17),
pp. 139-146, Zagreb, Croatia, Jun 2017.
Hicham G. Elmongui and Riham Mansour,
"Curator: Enhancing Micro-blogs Ranking by Exploiting User's Context",
in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing’17),
Budapest, Hungary, Apr 2017.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Hader Morsy, and Riham Mansour,
"Inference Models for Twitter User's Home Location Prediction",
in Proceedings of 12th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA'15),
Marrakech, Morocco, Nov 2015.
Shaymaa Khater, Denis Gračanin, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"TrendFusion: Trends and Influences Among Geographically Colocated Large User Communities",
in Proceedings of the 8th ASE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom'15),
Stanford, CA, USA, Aug 2015.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Riham Mansour, Hader Morsy, Shaymaa Khater, Ahmed El-Sharkasy, and Rania Ibrahim,
"TRUPI: Twitter Recommendation Based on Users' Personal Interests",
in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLing'15),
Cairo, Egypt, Apr 2015.
Shaymaa Khater, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Denis Gračanin,
"Tweets You Like: Personalized Tweets Recommendation based on Dynamic Users Interests",
in Proceedings of the 2014 ASE SocialInformatics Conference,
Cambridge, MA, USA, Dec 2014.
Victor Zakhary, Hicham G. Elmongui and Magdy H. Nagi,
"MobiPLACE*: A Distributed Framework for Spatio-Temporal Data
Streams Processing Utilizing Mobile Clients' Processing Power",
in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems:
Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2013),
Tokyo, Japan, Dec 2013.
Shaymaa Khater, Hicham G. Elmongui and Denis Gračanin,
"Personalized Microblogs Corpus Recommendation based on Dynamic Users Interests",
in Proceedings of the 2013 ASE/IEEE International Conference on
Social Computing (SocialCom'13), Washington D.C., USA, Sep 2013.
Mahmoud F. Ayoub, Riham Hassan and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"ESAC-BPM: Early Security Access Control in Business Process Management",
in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA'12),
Lisbon, Portugal, Nov 2012.
Andrea Kavanaugh, Steven Sheetz, Riham Hassan, Seungwon Yang, Hicham Elmongui, Edward Fox, Mohamed Magdy,
"Between a Rock and a Cell Phone: Communication and Information Use During the Egyptian Uprising",
in Proceedings of the 2012 Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM)
Conference, Vancouver, Canada, Apr 2012.
Yasmine Ibrahim , Riham Hassan and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Prioritized Black Box Testing using Genetic Software Engineering Methods",
in Proceedings of the 15th IASTED International Conference on
Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2011), Dallas, Texas, USA, Dec 2011.
Mohamed Ramadan, Hicham G. Elmongui and Riham Hassan,
"BPMN Formalisation using Coloured Petri Nets",
in Proceedings of the 2nd GSTF Annual International Conference on
Software Engineering & Applications (SEA 2011), Singapore, Singapore, Dec 2011.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Vivek Narasayya, and Ravi Ramamurthy,
"A Framework for Testing Query Transformation Rules",
in Proceedings of SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
(SIGMOD'09), Providence, Rhode Island, USA, June, 2009.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Walid G. Aref, and Mohamed F. Mokbel,
"Chameleon: Context Awareness inside DBMSs",
in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'09),
Shanghai, China, March, 2009.
Walid G. Aref, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Mourad Ouzzani,
"Location-Aware Privacy and More: A Systems Approach using Context-Aware Database Management Systems
in Proceedings of the 2nd SIGSPATIAL ACM GIS International Workshop on Security and Privacy in GIS and LBS (SPRINGL'09),
New York, NY, USA, Nov, 2009.
Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Query Optimization for Spatio-temporal Data Stream Management Systems",
PhD Showcase in
the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS'08),
Irvine, CA, USA, Nov., 2008.
Jingren Zhou, Per-Åke Larson, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Lazy Maintenance of Materialized Views",
in Proceedings of 33rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
(VLDB'07), University of Vienna, Austria, Sept., 2007.
Dan Lin, Hicham G. Elmongui, Elisa Bertino, and Beng Chin Ooi,
"Data Management in RFID Applications",
in Proceedings of the 18th International
Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA'07),
Regensburg, Germany, Sept., 2007.
Xiaopeng Xiong, Hicham G. Elmongui, Xiaoyong Chai, and Walid G. Aref,
Distributed Spatio-temporal Data Stream Management System for
Moving Objects",
in Proceedings of the Eighth International
Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM'07), Mannheim,
Germany, May, 2007.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Mourad Ouzzani, and Walid G. Aref,
"Challenges in Spatio-temporal Stream Query
in Proceedings of the Fifth International ACM
Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access
(MobiDE'06), in conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS,
Chicago, IL, USA, pp. 27-34, Jun., 2006.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Mohamed F. Mokbel, and Walid G. Aref,
"Spatio-temporal Histograms",
in Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium
on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD'05),
LNCS 3633, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, pp. 19-36, Aug., 2005.
Mikhail J. Atallah, Hicham G. Elmongui, Vinayak Deshpande, and Leroy B. Schwarz,
"Secure Supply-Chain
in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on
E-Commerce (CEC'03), Newport Beach, California, USA, pp. 293-302, Jun., 2003.
Mohamed N. El-Derini, Hussein H. Aly, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
Service for Hierarchical Regional Registration Mobile IP Networks",
in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Applications in
Industry and Engineering (CAINE-2001), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov., 2001.
Pekka J. Toivanen and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Sequential Local Transform Algorithms for Gray-Level Distance Transforms",
in Proceedings of the 9th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'98),
Island of Rhodes, Greece, pp. 577-580, Sep., 1998.
Contest Entries:
Mai El-Shehaly, Denis Gračanin, Mohamed Gad, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Krešimir Matković,
"Interactive Visualization of Atmospheric Data for Eruption Events",
in Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2014 Conference (VIS'14), Paris, France, November, 2014.
Mohamed Handosa, Denis Gračanin, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Performance Evaluation of MQTT-based Internet of Things Systems (extended abstract)",
in Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC’17),
Las Vegas, NV, USA, Dec 2017.
Mohamed Handosa, Denis Gračanin, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Andrew Ciambrone,
"Painting with Light: Gesture Based Light Control in Architectural Settings",
in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI’17),
Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar 2017.
Mai Elshehaly, Denis Gračanin, Mohamed Gad, Junpeng Wang, and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Real-Time Interactive Time Correction on the GPU",
in Proceedings of IEEE Scientific Visualization Conference (SciVi’15), Chicago, Illinois, USA, Oct 2015.
Mona Ibrahim Morad, Mohamed Eid Ibrahim, Hicham G. Elmongui, Mohamed Aziz Mohamed Talaat, and Mirhan Khamis Eldeeb,
"Transduction of a Complex Signal Through the Normal Cochlea and Through the Cochlear Implant,
in Proceedings of 52nd Inner Ear Symposium Workshop, Rome, Italy, September 2015.
Sally Hamouda, N. Dwight Barnette, Eric Fouh, Mohamed F. Farghally, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Clifford A. Shaffer,
"Developing a Concept Inventory and Tutorial to Enhance Teaching Recursion,
in Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, Feb 2015.
Mai El-Shehaly, Denis Gračanin, Mohamed Gad, Hicham G. Elmongui, and Krešimir Matković,
"StreamProbe: A Novel GPU-based Selection Technique for Interactive Flow Field Exploration",
in Proceedings of the IEEE VIS 2014 Conference (VIS'14), Paris, France, November, 2014.
Steven D. Sheetz, Andrea L. Kavanaugh, Edward A. Fox, Hicham G. Elmongui, Riham Hassan, Seungwon Yang, Mohamed Magdy, and Donald Shoemaker,
"Information Uses and Gratifications in Crisis: Student Perceptions since the Egyptian Uprising",
in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis
Response and Management (ISCRAM'14), University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, May 2014.
Mai H. El-Shehaly, Denis Gračanin and Hicham G. Elmongui,
"Use of CUDA Streams for Block-Based MPEG Motion Estimation on the GPU",
in Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH'12),
Los Angeles, California, USA, Aug 2012.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Walid G. Aref, and Mohamed F. Mokbel,
"Chameleon: Context Awareness inside DBMSs, Midwest Database
Research Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, September 28, 2008.
Hicham G. Elmongui, Mourad Ouzzani, and Walid G. Aref,
"Challenges in Spatio-temporal Stream Query Optimization,
The Fifth International ACM Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access (MobiDE'06), in conjunction with SIGMOD/PODS,
Chicago, IL, USA, June, 2006.
Mohamed. H. Ali, Walid G. Aref, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Hicham G. Elmongui, Mohamed Eltabakh,
Thanaa M. Ghanem, Moustafa A. Hammad, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Xiaopeng Xiong,
Nile Data Stream Management System,
Midwest Database Research Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, April 16, 2005.
Mikhail J. Atallah, Hicham G. Elmongui, Vinayak Deshpande, and Leroy B. Schwarz,
"Secure Supply-Chain
Collaboration (SSCC)",
in the 4th Annual CERIAS Research
Symposium, West Lafayette, IN, USA, April 8-9, 2003.
Technical Reports:
Hicham G. Elmongui, Walid G. Aref, and Mohamed F. Mokbel,
"Chameleon: Context Awareness inside DBMSs",
Technical Report CSD-tr-08-028, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2008.
Xiaopeng Xiong, Hicham G. Elmongui, Xiaoyong Chai, and Walid G. Aref,
Processing of Ranking Queries",
Technical Report CSD-tr-05-002, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2005.
Mikhail J. Atallah, Hicham G. Elmongui, Vinayak Deshpande, and Leroy B. Schwarz,
"Secure Supply-Chain Protocols",
CERIAS Technical Report 2003-13, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2003.